Join the Mystery Skype Selfie Challenge during the month of May!
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 1) Schedule a Skype Call! Organize a call with a class, guest speaker or a V.I.P. to play a #MysterySkype game.
2) Get Creative! Think of a fun and clever idea for a selfie of your class either at the beginning, during or the end of your call.
3) Share on Social! Post your classrooms clever selfie with us @SkypeClassroom using #MysterySkype #sweepstakes and your classroom might be picked to be one of 5 classrooms to participate in a call with a Mystery V.I.P.
4) Tag 3 friends! Spread the fun by challenging three or more other teachers to play #MysterySkype with their students and share their creative class selfie within 72 hours.
The Roughneck Book Club had a wonderful Skype with Shannon Miller. The students shared their favorite books and asked clues to help them determine Shannon’s location.