The Gingerbread Man Escapades

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The Roughneck Book Club’s gingerbread man escaped!  Our students asked anyone who had sighted him to send a postcard informing them of his whereabouts.  Helpful people from across the United States sent postcards from places the gingerbread man has been sighted.  As each postcard arrived, the book club mapped his sighting on Google Earth.  If you click on the picture or link above, you can view all the areas he traveled. All the postcards and the descriptions of his adventures can be viewed on the Google Earth Tour Builder.  Thank you to everyone who participated in ‘The Gingerbread Man Escapades!’

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Coding Superheroes at WOMS!

To celebrate Computer Science Week, sponsors an Hour of Code every year for students around the globe to learn computer programming. In our ever-changing technological world, every student should have the opportunity to learn coding. The Roughneck Tech Club celebrated #HourofCode with fun lessons from By the end of the week, students were able to successfully write lines of code. In addition, students were able to troubleshoot any problems that occurred by finding the error in their code and editing it.


The most popular lesson this year was Star Wars!  The sound effects and graphics made this tutorial the favorite!


Minecraft was a close second to Star Wars! Students loved choosing a character and programming tasks.

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Flappy Birds is always fun and challenging for students!
